HSS. Trends Study: Hospitality 2021/22
By Prof. Dr. Christian Buer on 16. November 2021
![HSS. Trends Study Hospitality 2021.22](https://horwathhtl.de/wp-content/uploads/sites/4/2021/11/HSS.-Trends-Study_Hospitality-2021.22-320x213.png)
At the 11th Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium – in cooperation with the Heilbronn Institute for Applied Market Research (H-InfaM) of Heilbronn University of Science and Horwath HTL DACH – a B2C and B2B survey was conducted on the current trends and readiness in the hotel and catering industry.
The Hospitality survey was initiated and conducted by Dr. Joachim Allhoff, Prof. Dr. Christian Buer and Prof. Dr. Markus Zeller (Jade University of Applied Sciences) and their results were presented at the Heilbronn Hospitality Symposium on 11th November 2021.